What are the most accurate devices/sources to get my .GPX or .FIT file from?
Achieving the best results from Best Bike Split is dependent on having a quality .GPX Track or .FIT Activity file with accurate elevation data for our math and physics model.
Garmin 1000
Garmin 810
Garmin 800
Garmin 510
GPS devices with barometric altimeter correction*
Some Android Phones
Galaxy S3/4 have altimeter
Strava app does not use the altimeter for Android
*The Garmin 500 and 910xt can often collect accurate data, but have been shown to be prone to temperature drift and occasional drop outs.
GPS Watches/ Bike Computers with no altimeter
Phone Apps
TrainingPeaks (FIT - from previously uploaded FIT files)
Garmin Connect Activities (GPX/FIT - FIT is preferred)
Check upload device for each activity
Strava Activities (GPX - your own rides)
Strava Activities (GPX -premium downloads)
Check upload device
Avoid activities made with iPhone/Android App
RideWithGPS (GPX)
Courses can be created manually on RideWithGPS.com and then the resulting GPX Track file can be exported for use with Best Bike Split
Does not show the device used for upload
Check elevation data before upload
Heavily sampled lat/long data set
No elevation data provided
Strava Route Creator
Heavily reduce lat/long data set
No elevation data provided