How do I use .FIT Activity files to create a course?
You can now create courses using a previous ride's .FIT Activity file from a Garmin Device or other device that records .FIT Activity files. You can also download a previous ride's .FIT Activity file from TrainingPeaks or Garmin Connect.
Plug device into your computer via USB
Navigate to Garmin->Activities (or History for some devices) Folder
Select the .FIT file using the Upload Course page or just drag the file onto the Upload Course page.
Note this only works if the originally uploaded file was a .FIT activity file.
Log in to TrainingPeaks
Click on the workout you want to convert to a course in BBS
In the small window click the Files button
Click on the file to download from the the section called Uploaded Files (file will download to your computer)
Unzip the file
Select the .FIT file using the Upload Course page or just drag the file onto the Upload Course page.
Log in to Garmin Connect
Select the Activity for the course you want to upload
Click on the gear icon on the left hand side
Select Export Original (file will download to your computer)
Unzip the file
Select the .FIT file using the Upload Course page or just drag the file onto the Upload Course page.