
What is FTP and how do I get mine?

FTP (Functional Threshold Power) represents the maximum average power you can maintain for an hour long effort. A shorter 20 min test, shown below, can be performed to approximate your FTP number.

Quick FTP Test

  • Warm Up: 15 min

  • Test: start data recording and ride as hard as you can for 20 minutes

  • Cool Down: turn off data recording and spin down for 10 min

  • Post Test: record the average power for the 20 minutes and multiply by .95 to get FTP

Standard FTP Test

  • Warm Up:15 min

  • Test: start data recording and ride at your maximum sustainable effort for 45 to 60 minutes

  • Cool Down: turn off data recording and spin down for 10 min

  • Post Test: record the average power for the 45 to 60 minutes to get FTP